When you own a security guard business or your company has its security department, it is crucial to keep its staff schedules in strict order, and provide seamless security guard management. That’s the matter of security, nuff said! And that is what provides you with multiple credits because even the smallest mistake can lead to big troubles. Do you have any idea about how to provide security guard scheduling with maximal efficiency and minimal effort from the CEO and responsible managers? We have some information to share with you about it.
Challenges Security Companies Faced
First, let’s name the challenges each security company faces when it’s required to manage its operation and develop streamlined working algorithms.
Hard to Keep Everyone on the Same Page
The workflow of a security guard company is a rushing stream where everything changes instantly: new applications, new facts, rotation of employees, when someone is in the field and others are ready to take a new order are common routines but they can make you messy. It is hard to track and collect information in real-time from dozens of guards while they can be in different locations, performing different tasks, starting their shifts or ending them at different hours. Some managers may try to use different tools at once, but transferring data from one to another leads to leaks, mistakes, and lost information. Thus, getting a one-fit-all app for security guards is a must to cope with this challenge.
Managing personnel’s shifts can be hard because some may have more shifts than others, someone can suddenly ask for sick days, and it is not a rare thing in security guard companies when their employees get damaged and need replacement on their shifts. Making the schedule predictive is mission impossible, but what can you say about making it flexible? That’s what you can do with proper security guard management software.
Tracking Hours Accurately for Payroll isn’t Easy
One of the biggest challenges is tracking the employees’ working hours. Guards are not sitting at their laptops, they mainly work in the field, and they have no time to indicate their hours precisely often. Thus, you need a tool which will be in their hands right when they are doing their jobs.
How Security Companies Use Shifton Security Guard App
As you may guess, security guard tracking software is what you need to overcome troubles with security guard scheduling. In the practice of Shifton, its clients who work in this niche, appreciate the functionality of an app and achieve numerous improvements in their workflow which result in better team building practices, higher motivation, and thus, higher profitability of their business.
Faster Scheduling & Dispatching
It supports multiple team planning per job shift, and you can also include detailed shift information to ensure things get done right like address, tasks, reminders, and more. You get correct information about each assignment, task, order, or client as well as about assigned teams to complete them. Simultaneously, apply for replacement if they need weekends or sick days, and they also can track how many hours they worked this month/this week, or any chosen period.
Easy, Streamlined Internal Communication
When you use the same environment (namely, security guard management software) with your employees, you won’t miss their ideas, propositions, and complaints, and thus, you can react to them quickly. This improves loyalty, makes you a caring chief, and helps to avoid numerous misunderstandings during working hours.
Payroll Management – Automatic calculation
No misses or tricks, as their location is tagged using a built-in GPS function. You are exactly paying them for every hour they work. You provide advanced time management practices with security guard tracking software, and that makes you a smarter manager than others. Besides, you provide payroll for all your employees and maintain fair rewards for them.
Daily process automation
Being convenient for you, as a security guard management pro, is only a part of Shifton’s opportunities. Besides, it eases the lives of your employees. How is it performed?
- They can make all checklists, forms, and reports in digital form, and they can submit them right on their smartphones instead of daunting handwritten reports which require time and concentration from a tired guard.
- Your employees won’t miss any important report if they make it in security guard tracking software. They simply fill in a form which can be customized to your company’s standards, and you get these reports with no delays. This means they won’t need to search for missed reports to get their salary calculated fairly.
- Automated notifications in the app for security guards reduce time losses, as your employees get urgent messages on the go, and you can adjust notifications to get feedback when they read them.
Making some summaries, we can say that managing a security guard company or department is challenging, but it is not hopeless. Of course, you cannot make all your guards write reports accurately and timely and approach them when you need them because most of them are not desk jockeys and work in the field. But you can transform your communication to a fully automated process using the app for security guards like Shifton.
Scheduling, reminding, notifying, reporting, getting and receiving feedback, and even calculating payrolls can be done in one ecosystem, which is the Shifton software product.